Learn. Invest. Change the world.

Sophia is the first and only women-focused financial education platform for the corporate and financial services sector.

Redemption for HSBC Customers

This is a complimentary membership for HSBC Customers to empower you to start actioning on your finances. 
Click "Redeem NOW" to input your coupon code to claim your membership. Currently applicable for HSBC Singapore and HSBC Australia customers only.


More women need to control money and grow their wealth

  • 71%

    Wealth held in cash by women

  • 40%

    Women retire with 30-40% less wealth than men

  • 80%

    More likely to be impoverished at retirement compared to men

It's time to close the gap in women's financial literacy and investment. We are committed to making financial education accessible to all women, who despite controlling a third of the world's wealth and adding $5 trillion to the global wealth pool annually, still face significant barriers in terms of financial knowledge and opportunities.